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About us

The Proceedings of the Institutes for Advanced Study (PIAS) is a joint effort of several Institutes for Advanced Study to publish and promote their respective activities.

PIAS has been initated by Paris IAS. It is a archipelago of proceedings websites powered by, a state-of-the-art, multilingual, free, open-source and easy to use platform that promotes open science.

This website has initially been designed to present PIAS to the community. We also added the archlab, a little analytics experiment to draw a map of the current academic landcape in terms of fields, thematics and dissemination within the PIAS proceedings (and someday maybe at a larger scale, who knows?).

PIAS is based solely on open standards and goes by the FAIR principles.

You can browse our our proceedings here. If you are representing an Institute for Advanced Study and PIAS is interesting to you, contact us!